The woods seclude me from the rest of the world. I’m on my own with nobody else in sight, just nature, and only nature. I’m not alone though. The sounds of nature give me a welcoming feeling. I’m part of nature for the duration of the hike. There are no roads, buildings, or any type of infrastructure. There is only a dirt path, leading me through the wild and finally to my destination, the top of the mountain.
The hike starts out from a parking lot next to a highly traveled road. Humans are present, but before going too far, evidence of people does not exist, and cars can no longer be heard. There is only one dirt path, and that’s all. This is when I start to experience the presence of nature. At first nature has to adjust to my presence. The squirrels scatter away as I walk towards them, and scurry up atop the trees. The birds silence their chirping simultaneously. Nature is hiding and watching, as an outsider is near, but it isn’t long before Nature continues what it was doing. Now I am accepted by Nature and can continue on my journey.
On my continuation of the hike, Nature presents me with a number of pleasures. The birds form a band together, chirping with different pitches and tones. A calm flow of the streams gives a relaxing tone to my ears. They apply the music as I trek. The plethora of plants and trees provide me with a variety of different scents. The scents seem to mix together, giving a fresh air that makes it feel as if breathing is easier. It is when I get to the larger boulders that you know you are getting closer and closer to the top. Climbing up the rocks gives a bit of an exercise, but not an excruciating one. Once I get to the end of the tree line I know I am there, but I don’t want to rush because I want to experience every bit of Nature possible.
At the top of the mountain the reward is spectacular. The views are incredible and I feel as if I’m on top of the world. I can see for miles and miles. It’s as if I’m everywhere at once. You can see thousands of lakes and rivers blending in with the red, yellow, and orange colors of the fall. The view makes me feel as if I could stay there on the top forever, but I know I must continue down to the base of the mountain before nightfall. And as I descend I carry with me a feeling of satisfaction like no other.